Budapest Tour: Disclaimer
Topics: Introduction * Update * Legal affairs * Privacy and e-mail policy * Layout and technical data
The English versions of the "Szia Budapest" websites would not be realised without a very special meeting which Julius had on Friday June 10, 2011 during the Athe Sam Roma festival. On the terrace of the former Gödör Klub he fell into conversation with a French girl, Estelle, who lives with husband and kids in Londen. A unique "once in a lifetime" conversation which lasted 2 hours, and she gave, unintentional, Julius the strength to translate the main Dutch website.Updates
Szia Budapest (English version): founded in June / July 2011, the first pages of the English website are online since that date.
Detail of children's games (mosaic) at a school near to Lehel tér
Legal affairs
Management and ownership
The name "Szia" used on this website, includes the following websites and/or domainnames: http://boedapestrondleiding.com; http://www.budapestarchitect.nl; sziabudapest.eu; http://boedapestrondleiding.com; http://www.sziabudapest.nl; http://www.szia.nl and http://www.budapestgraffiti.com. The websites are maintained and managed by Julius Palacinka, which legally is not the owner of the domain names and websites. The final legal responsibility lies with the legal owner of the registered domain names and websites. If on the pages be refered to "Julius" is also mentioned the legal owner of the registered domain names and websites.he registered domain name and website designed.
Private use, research, essays etc., the information may be reproduced provided if the source is mentioned and a link to the web site is placed. This may be both in the printed media and on Internet. However, you have to inform Julius of taking over data and publication. You can use the mailform on this website;Business use, ie websites or publications that aim at earning money and / or by the work by Julius' has as goal to attract (more) visitors: you are allowed to use the information, but only after sending a request, and your request is approved by Julius Palacinka or the legal owner of the registered domain names and websites. If the authorization is provided, you must add the link to the website Szia on your website and in principle also placing a small ad (logo) on a visible place on your website. Ask Julius about the exact conditions. In consultation Julius or the legal owner of the registered domain names and website can deviate of this rules;
Unless otherwise indicated, all photographs are made by Julius or the legal owner of the registered domain names and websites. The photographs may be used for non commercial websites or publications, provided that the source be indicated and with text like "copyright photograph Julius Palacinka / Szia" and a link to http://boedapestrondleiding.com is added to the website. Commercial websites, including websites which have a high number of commercials, in order to generate revenue, may only use photographs after permission, disclosure of origin and at least add a link to http:://boedapestrondleiding.com. A small advertisement on the website will be highly rated.
Photos may be reproduced provided that they shall not be edited. Only reduction is allowed. In addition, the origin must be listed along with a link to Szia.
Website content
The format, the idea behind the websites, text and everything else concerning to Szia, is the intellectual property of Julius and the legal owner of the registered domain names and websites. All information on this website is compiled with great care.Damage
Neither Julius nor the legal owner of the registered domain names and websites are responsible for any damage resulting from use of this website. They are also not responsible for the contents of websites referenced, these are not the property of Julius or the legal owner of the registered domain names and web sites and serve only to provide information. Decisions you make based on the information on this website are for your own risk.Applicable law
This website and the disclaimer are governed by Dutch law. All disputes arising out of or in connection with this disclaimer and website will only be submitted to the competent court in the Netherlands.
Julius and/or the legal owner of the registered domain names and websites reserves the right on or via this website information, including the terms of this Disclaimer, at any time without further notice, to change. It is advisable to check periodically whether on or through, this website published information, including the terms of this disclaimer, has changed.Independent
Szia can not be influenced by sponsors or advertisers. Julius and the legal owner of the registered domain names and websites, are completely indepent. It's possible to add an advertisement on Szia, see therefore the page advertising. Only by acceptation the rules on that page, an advertisement will be placed on Szia.
The beauty of Budapest: Margit Sziget in late autumn
If you as a visitor discovers errors, not (more) working links, etc. then a response is appreciated. Your comment will be checked, and throbbing, in normal cases, within 24 hours after receiving your mail, be corrected on Szia.Hacks, Trojans and so on.
Both Julius and the administrator of the server that runs Szia, do their utmost to enemy attacks in the form of Trojans, viruses etc. combat. Still, it may occasionally find that it succeeds unless the many protections to break through, despite continuous monitoring. If you get a notification of an attack when you visit the website, then a message to Julius is appreciated. Don't use Szia and sent Julius a mail: julius "at" gmail.com. Reports of these have for Julius the highest priority .....Content in violation of the law
Should it appear that a link on Szia refers to a website whose content is contrary to Dutch law, then you are kindly requested to send immediately an e-mail with the reason why the website acts contrary to Dutch law. Although both Julius as the legal owner of the registered domain names and websites, not responsible are for the content of these websites to disqualify themselves from cases in violation of the Dutch law. Messages in this, therefore as soon as possible be checked, and if true, the link will be removed.
One of the monuments in Budapest in memory of Raoul Wallenberg, Swedish diplomat in World War II who saved the lives of thousands of Jewish inhabitants of Budapest
Privacy and e-mail policy
Privacy and address
The data you enter into the mail form is strictly confidential and intended solely for use by Julius and/or the legal owner of the registered domain names and websites. The data will never be sold or otherwise be handed over to others. Also, you will not receive spam or the like, it happen too often. You get only a response to your mail. If you receive mail/spam that appears to originate from Szia, you are requested to report this, so Julius can take actionThe guestbook used on Szia, is hosted by another company and falls outside the responsibility of Julius and/or the legal owner of the registered domain names and websites. The privacy statement of the company write2me that allow to use this guestbook, is here found. For you, as user is the chapter "for users" important.
Szia does not use cookies to store information on your computer, neither tracking cookies by which data can be collected. It is possible that parties who provide services which Julius uses on Szia, such as analysis of the people who visits Szia or Booking.com, using cookies. Julius has no influence on this and has no access to the data collected in this manner. Julius allow cookies to be placed on his own computer with a strict policy and Szia works without problems if you blocks cookies.E-mail policy
Julius aim is to respond within 24 hours to give an answer to your question or comment. If the question or response to an email from you, again needs an answer and you forgot to answer that mail, you'll get within 72 hours after sending the mail, a reminder. If you don't get an answer by Julius, the mail must be lost ... in that case, send an e-mail to juliuspalacinka "at" gmail.com.Layout and Specifications
The website has been tested with the latest versions of the browsers that were available in 2013. The site works, with minimal differences, well in the browsers Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera. Currently, the final differences between IE and other browsers are solved, but it's very difficult to do this.Resolution
The website is built on Windows Vista with a resolution of 1440 x 900, but also work in lower resolutions (up to 800 x 600) fine. The resolution provides 1024 x 768 a full screen website. At higher resolutions the font will less big. In lower resolutions you will also should scroll.Colors
The colors white, red and green used in this website are virtually similar to the colors of the Hungarian flag. The picture of the logo of this website is taken on June 20, 2011. It's a part of the statue "Lány galambbal" - girl with dove - made by the sculptor Lajos Ungvári in 1962 and can be found in the XXII. district.Julius
On this website almost consistently is spoken of "Julius" This is a conscious choice. Julius does not want to create a website on which constantly is to read "I", "me" and again "I" This is, in the eyes, again, by Julius, less comfortable about.Layout
The layout of the website is kept as simple as possible. This with the philosophy that you, when visiting the website, are not waiting for music chosen by Julius, while you currently are listening to other, beautiful, music. The display of flashy videos, flash effects, etc. is avoided when possible, it often distracts too much of the content of a site and not everyone has these functions enabled. Is, in your opinion, the layout of the website so boring, well, that is intentional.....(Last modification: January 22, 2013)

Architectural tours
Early Art Nouveau 1897-1904
Ödön Lechner - designed buildings 1893-1914
Amsterdam School influences
Bauhaus and New Objectvity
Garden cities: Wekerle and more
Zsolnay in the architecture
Mosaic tableaus
Socialist Realism
Jewish Budapest tours
Jewish Quarters
Kozma utca Jewish cemetery
Other tours
10-11 kind of public transport
Graffiti Art
Special Graffiti tours around the Sziget festival
Visiting a district
Nature walks
Enjoyment on a high altitude
Up and under the hill
Though for your calf muscles
The battle of the titans
Tours for bigger groups
A page on which bigger groups visiting Budapest can see what Budapest Tour can do for them. It's also possible to arrange things for such groups without the obligation to book a tour.
Other pages
About Szia Budapest and Julius
Also worth to visit:
Szia Budapest
Budapest Architect
Budapest Graffiti
The Facebook page of "Szia
Budapest" contains, except the Blog,
also links to other articles, extra
photographs and much more
Budapest" contains, except the Blog,
also links to other articles, extra
photographs and much more
Julius' bookshop
Questions? e-mail Julius!
Guest book

Budapest/Hungary wheater
Extended weather forecast? Click!

The weather for Hungary
Exchange rates/conversion

Social Networks